I am a Writer by heart and Doctor by profession, here with my personal blog.
I just love writing, I love starting the day with language and seeing if I can make something of it. I see myself as a creative writer, feel as though and I came up with good stories and poems. I use lots of interesting facts, thoughts and details to my writing. I use to develop one voice that readers will recognize when they hear it on a page. Everyday life taught me many lessons and experiences that it feels like my insider writer & words came out to express them. Being a doctor, more precisely 'a dentist', there were much more learning I have been through along with dispensing pills or to patch up or repair torn flesh and deal with shattered minds. I, who won the difficult trials and build confidence in me from the character of both as a doctor and a writer as well. Hence a dentist by profession easing toothaches and writer by passion soothing hearts. So here with the name of "a wordsmith's world".
-a wordsmith
"don't impel yourself to be perfect in life because it slaps all of us in to shape one day " - a wordsmith