I can still remember that heart melting smile she had. The happy go lucky person she was…..or pretended to be ???????
Taking a trip down the memory lane, I can recollect a beautiful young face, in her early 20’s with thick black hair, brown eyes and a sharp featured face. A school scholar, an amazing dancer and a solo traveler. Her life seemed so contented in her Facebook profile, but her face hiding some real truth. She was my friend…a long lost one…..though we shared almost whole of our childhood together but drifted apart as we grew older.
We only met virtually some days by video call, other days by post and stories on our Instagram. An actual reunion between friends never took place. The days when we spent hours giggling and enjoying the blissful company of each other was now a thing of past. Both of us had our own excuses. Later, on one, sinistrous day of my life that I realized happiness was only obvious when it was gone..I still regret the day, when my phone beeped continuously but the busy schedule restrained me from attending or even having a look at my phone. That very same evening I got to know …..I lost her….I lost her forever……
Death is inevitable, but suicides are not to some extent.
Might be my friend just needed me that day, to listen, to acknowledge her problems….but I was not there. It happens with all of us, we are so busy that we take things for granted. May be I could have saved her that day….maybe she could have been with me still…if I had listened to her for once, but as someone once said- life is what happens when we are busy making some other plans. She left, leaving me to wander why a girl with such a happening life decided to end it. The mystery too turned in to ashes just like her body.
Scrolling my Instagram feed, I was startled by the news of sudden demise of a wonderful actor- Sushant Singh Rajput, followed by a series of stories on mental health and suicidal tendency in today’s youth. His death has left some mark on all of us, I guess.
The generation, now in their 50’s and 60’s think, that we the youth are sensitive, not ready to face issues of life, panic stricken…….was this true…?
I strongly believe it’s not the age or generation which matters, we all are in some or the other way surrounded by different issues and EVERYONE…..yes I mean it…every one of us have definitely thought to quit……but, still decided to fight, sometimes not for self but for the people around us.
Of course, we can save some one from the vicious cycle of depression followed by suicide or mental instability, just by listening to them.

Don’t judge…don’t react….don’t question, them either,
Just listen, understand and console them my dear.
Be kind; be gentle if they shatter,
Stick to them in those darkest hour.
Sometimes people just need a shoulder to lean on. We can’t solve all their problems but
at least can help them by assuring our valuable presence. Today’s, lifestyle has left us with online friendships and relations. No one knows the pain those smileys might be hiding.

Everyday we are fighting, may be a wrong career that we opted.
A 9-5 job that we never desired.
A family issue, A financial crisis, or A failure.
A body with physical, mental or emotional disorder.
A bad relation causing us to bother.
& the list goes on. Everyone have their own list.
But let me tell you dear reader, you are much more than all these mess. There is a warrior in all of us and we can fight every battle, hurdles are just part of life, not a whole life.
Still If in any moment of life you feel to quit - Mark these words ….Its never too late to stop and change the way you are going. Just change the way and you might end up with a miracle.
Everyday spend few minutes thinking about all those things for which you are grateful.
Every problem don’t need a solution. Sometimes, you can’t fix it, you just have to let go and move with the flow. This is the real art of living a life.
The author, Cathy Kelly said in one of her book, “what doesn’t destroy you makes you stronger” and we all should remember this.
It’s comparatively easy to give up, difficult is to confront your problems and fight with them to survive….it can only be done by a warrior. Evoke the warrior in you and cross the battle ground with pride and honour.
It’s OK to be confused sometime.
It’s OK to not have a goal in life.
It’s OK to fail sometime.
It’s OK to not achieve everything you desire.
It’s OK to feel pity and bad.
It’s OK to choose a career you don’t want.
It’s OK to end up in a relationship, so unpleasant.
It’s OK to be alone.
It’s OK to be weak.
It’s OK to be a loser.
But I’TS NOT OK to be dreadful and fall apart.
IT’S NOT OK to be hated by self and do some hideous act .
